Monday, June 21, 2010

Exorcism: Real or Not

Given my recent posts on politics, I felt like it was time for a change.  Time to delve back into that which I love.  Time to delve back into the powers of the human mind.  So today, I would like to provide you with some information and allow you to make an informed decision about the validity of exorcisms. 

“Psychic seizures are one of the hardest to diagnose of all seizure disorders. It takes the form of emotional instability and is usually diagnosed as a mental disorder. Children and teenagers are diagnosed as having a behavioral problem and treated with medications which worsen the situation. These seizures will cause distortion on reality and mixed up thoughts. Emotional outburst of anger or fear are common with these as well. These seizures come on as quickly as they leave and often the person is not really aware of what happened or sees it in a totally different light.   The person usually will have emotions which are irrational to others around them and be out of control in handling what they feel. “

Now please watch this, but some of this footage is from actual "exorcisms" and may be disturbing to some. There is some great information here though, so I strongly encourage you to watch it.


Live your life without fear, do not believe everything you are told.  Question everything you see.  The mind is a powerful thing and it can easily fool you.  Do your research and decide what you believe.



  1. What do you think of the saying "Ignorance is bliss"? Your post made me think of the saying, "A mind is a terrible thing to waste". I think it is critical that we continue to keep ourselves informed - especially in this day and age.

  2. Yo. My friends are having trouble commenting since they don't have other profiles to use. Is there a way to set the comments options so that someone can comment simply using an email address? I know folks who'd love to comment.
